A century-old service organization dedicated to giving back is looking to make a difference in the Newcastle community.
Ferrin Lauve is spearheading an effort to start a Newcastle Kiwanis Club in 2016.
“We are looking for people that are passionate about community service and serving the children of the world,” said Lauve, an Eastside resident working with Kiwanis International to charter new clubs in the area.
Kiwanis International and its family of clubs annually raise more than $100 million and dedicate more than 18.5 million volunteer hours to strengthen communities and serve children, according to the group’s website.
Lauve said he targeted Newcastle for a number of reasons.
“There is really no service club in Newcastle that does what we do,” he said. “Plus, it’s one of the most livable cities in the country. That’s impressive.”
No two clubs look the same, Lauve said. Each community has different needs. Some gather weekly, while others meet online and only come together for service projects.
It’s too early to tell what projects Newcastle’s club would support or where the group would meet. Lauve mentioned the Coal Creek Family YMCA or the Newcastle Library as possible destinations.
The group needs 15 members before it can hit the ground running, Lauve said.
At its heart, Kiwanis International is about service. The Kiwanis Club of Issaquah, for example, volunteers at numerous community events and raises funds for student scholarships.
Kiwanis is also a lot of fun, Lauve stressed. Meetings and social events bring neighbors together and serve as networking opportunities.
Members must be 18 or older to participate. Contact Lauve at 427-9060 or ferrinlauve@msn.com to join.
Learn more about Kiwanis International at kiwanis.org.