NEW — 5:15 p.m. May 27, 2015
The fourth of five Energize Eastside scoping meetings comes to Newcastle Thursday night.
The meetings are a part of the Energize Eastside Environmental Impact Statement, a legally mandated process that will critically evaluate potential significant environmental impacts associated with the project and project alternatives.
It began in earnest this month with a 45-day comment period, highlighted by five community scoping meetings where residents are invited to share their thoughts about Energize Eastside.
“I view it as one of the most, if not the most, critical projects on the radar for Newcastle,” said Tim McHarg, Newcastle’s director of community development. “So we’re hoping that a broad cross-section of folks will come and attend.”
Newcastle’s meeting is from 6-8 p.m. May 28 at Newcastle Elementary School.
McHarg described the meetings as part forum, part open house. Meetings will be divided into two rooms, with one serving as an informational space staffed by different city employees and the EIS consultant, while the other room offers a place to respond and comment on the project.
Led by the city of Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Renton and Newcastle will work together to provide an environmental review of PSE’s proposal to build about 18 miles of high-capacity electric transmission lines from Renton to Redmond.
Learn more about the meetings here.