Presidential detail
Police responded to a report of a suspicious person at the Newcastle Chase Bank, 6911 Coal Creek Parkway S.E., March 26. The Bellevue man, who appeared to be a transient with mental issues, police said, went into the bank and asked for coffee before going on a rant about how the bank had “raped” him in the past. Later, when police approached him at a Newcastle bus stop, he said he used to be the Bellevue Fire chief and that he knew former President George H.W. Bush.
Newcastle Police encountered the man again April 2, after a Metro bus driver called about an agitated passenger. The man claimed police gave him drugs, and added that he owned the FBI and worked for the CIA. Based on his statements and some made to the bus driver, police requested an ambulance for involuntary commitment.
Knock, knock
A man called police after someone suspiciously knocked on his door in the 7400 block of 122nd Place Southeast at about 11 p.m. March 27. The homeowner said after someone banged on his door, he checked and no one was there. The man said he has had issues in the past with juveniles coming and knocking on his door.
Senior center suspicions
Two males drove into the Regency Newcastle parking garage, 7454 Newcastle Golf Club Road, and attempted to gain entry into cars and the building March 29. They were unsuccessful and left without damaging any property.
Sunglass swipe
Kate Spade sunglasses valued at $125 was taken from a vehicle in the 7400 block of 122nd Place Southeast at 4 a.m. April 3. Police were able to collect fingerprints from the scene.
Spare some change?
An Olympus resident reported that someone rummaged through two vehicles parked in the 8400 block of 128th Southeast between April 9 and 10. The thief left more valuable objects, such as a GPS and designer sunglasses, but did take the change.
Photographic evidence
A resident called police when two children told their mother that a person in a white, four-door car appeared to be taking pictures of them at the corner of Southeast 76th and 116th Avenue Southeast on April 14. The children, coming home from Hazelwood Elementary School, said there was no one else around and no obvious landmarks worth photography. The Renton School District sent a representative to observe the next day’s bus drop-off, but no vehicle matching the description appeared.
Wandering wallet
A Newcastle man visited Newcastle City Hall to report a lost wallet April 15. He reported that it probably slipped out of his pocket at the local QFC parking lot or at Lake Boren Park. It contained $500 cash, his identification and credit cards.